Dec. 4, 2023

Walking in Spirit and Love: The Power of Angels in Believers' Lives

Walking in Spirit and Love: The Power of Angels in Believers' Lives

Ready to tap into the divine realm of angels? Do you know the roles they play in our lives as believers? Let's unravel these mysteries together, guided by the lessons from Hebrews 1:14, which firmly states that angels are ministering spirits sent forth to serve those who will inherit salvation. Throughout this episode, we'll journey through the New Testament, highlighting key moments where angels played a significant part - from the annunciation of John and Jesus' birth, to Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness, and even their role in Jesus’ resurrection. Uncover Jesus' teachings on these celestial beings, their duties and how we, as followers of Christ, can walk in the spirit of love and harness the power of the angels that God has bestowed upon us.

As we navigate through these divine revelations, we'll pause for a moment of fervent intercession, praying for our nation and its leaders, acknowledging our transgressions and yearning for forgiveness and revival. We'll round up this soul-stirring episode with a solemn rededication to living for God and drawing more souls into His Kingdom. But our journey doesn't end here! I'm thrilled to share my latest podcast episode, where I encourage you to join our growing community by subscribing to my monthly newsletter. With your support, we can hit our target of 1,000 new members in a week. So, come aboard! Tune in and be immersed in a spiritual awakening, all in the marvellous name of Jesus.

"He has shown you, O Man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?" (Micah 6:8)

Chaplain Terry Warner:

Hello, friend Chaplain Terry Warner here. This podcast is Angels for the Believers, season three, episode 49. It will publish on 12.6. 2023. Let's get going. The foundation of Scripture is Hebrews 1, verse 14. Hebrews 1, verse 14. Are not all angels, ministering spirits, sent to serve those who will inherit salvation? The above verse means that if you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, then you have angels to aid and assist you in your Christian walk. Right now we are getting ready to close out another year of our lives and I would dare say a lot of us have missed out on this benefit of our salvation, specifically the help available to us through the angels that God has made available. Don't you think we should learn how to correctly use these mighty beings correctly? Our first and basic premise that we must absolutely use is walking in the spirit of love that has been shed abroad in our hearts. That's Romans 5.5. So let's begin by looking at how Jesus worked with angels in his ministry, and we will expand instances where we can do the same. An angel announced the birth of John Luke 1, 11 through 17. An angel named him Luke 1, verse 13. An angel foretold to Mary the birth of Jesus Luke 1, 26 through 37. An angel foretold to Joseph the birth of Jesus. Matthew 1, verses 20 and 21. An angel named him. Matthew 1, 21. Angels announced to the shepherds the birth of Jesus. Luke 2, 8 through 15. They sang hallelujahs Luke 2, 1 through 14. Don't you know that would have been something to be out there in that field and hear that An angel directed the child's flight into Egypt. Matthew 2, 13 and 20. Angels ministered to Jesus at his temptation. Matthew 4, verse 11. An angel came to Jesus in Gethsemane. Luke 22, 43. An angel rolled away the stone in his tomb Matthew 28,. 2. An angel announced to the women his resurrection. Matthew 28, verses 5 through 7. Two angels presented him to Mary Magdalene. John 20, verses 11 through 14. And Jesus said a lot about angels. He said he saw angels ascending and descending upon him. John 1.51. He could have 12 legions of angels deliver him. Matthew 25.31. Matthew 16.27. Mark 8.38. Luke 9.26. Angels will be the reapers. Matthew 13.39. Angels will gather the elect. Matthew 24.31. Angels will separate the wicked from the righteous. Matthew 13.41.49. Angels carried the beggar to Abraham's side. Luke 16.22. Angels rejoiced over the repentance of sinners Luke 15.10. Little children have guardian angels. Matthew 18.10. Jesus will confess his people before the angels Luke 12.8. Angels have no gender and cannot die Luke 20.35.36. Matthew 22.30. The devil has evil angels Matthew 25.41. This is not a complete list of angels in their mission. It is merely a list of angels working in the New Testament, and even this does not cover it all. However, now that we understand and have a few examples of angels and their duties, we will now start to use the angels that God, our Father, as believers, have made available to us. Heavenly Father, good morning and hallelujah to you this day, and that you have made for me. Psalm 118.24. I come to you in a spirit of love Matthew 22: 36-40. Your love that has been shed abroad in my heart. Romans 5.5. I start today to pray for our nation, o Lord, the great and awesome God, who keeps his covenant with all who love him and obey his commands. 1 Samuel 15.22. We have sinned and done wrong. We have been wicked and rebelled. 1 Samuel 15.23. We have turned away from your commands and law, and the greatest law is to love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, mind and strength, and the second is to love your neighbors yourself. We acknowledge that on these two statues hang everything in your kingdom. It is the curtain rod holding the blessings of God. It is time to open the curtains so your blessings will fall on our great nation. We realize the revival, restoration and prosperity start within my heart first, and the direction I start out will determine the direction and revival of our nation. I send the angels that you have given me to go forth and to bring prosperity 3 John, 2. Health and healing Galatians 3.14. Into my life and my family and help me start a new life of living and walking in love. Lord, you are righteous, and now we have been made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. 2 Corinthians, 5.21. Because of your blood sacrifice. Thank you, thank you, lord. Lord, I am ashamed of the way our leaders have sinned against you. However, please forgive me for complaining to you and everyone else how bad things are. We live in a nation far better than others, but let my prayer go out in the spirit of love and affecting everyone the same and in the spirit of love. Your love. You, lord, our God, are merciful and forgiving. Even though we have rebelled against you, we have not obeyed the Lord or kept the law of love. All of us have transgressed your law and turned away, refusing to obey you. Therefore, the devil has been able to afflict us with diseases, poverty and sickness and open the doors of deception and divisiveness. So right now, this moment, I have repented and you have restored my possession that I enjoy in Christ, I will start right now to rededicate my life and efforts to start living for you and do my best to bring others into the Kingdom of God. In Jesus' name, amen. You have a blessed day. This has been Chaplain Terry Warner. You'll find my podcast at thechappelinscornernet. They come out every Monday morning. Please like and share. There will be a drop-down menu when you go to my website. Please sign up and get in and subscribe to my monthly newsletter. We are believing the Lord for 1,000 new members, 1,000 new subscribers and one week's time. We have a lot of people signing up, but there's plenty of room for you. You have a blessed day in Jesus' name Amen. Thank you.