Oct. 9, 2023

The Genesis Journey: From Sin to Salvation

The Genesis Journey: From Sin to Salvation

Are you ready to step back in time and unmask the profound truths hidden within the Genesis narrative? By shedding light on life’s most intriguing mysteries like how sin and death infiltrated our world, this episode promises a spiritual awakening. We cut through the centuries, revisiting the biblical accounts of Adam and Eve, dissecting their catastrophic choices and the ripples of sin that followed. Simultaneously, we illuminate how Jesus, the world's Redeemer, masterfully fulfilled the essential divine-human balancing act necessary to vanquish the devil.

Digging deeper, we uncover the transformative potential of accepting Christ as our Lord and Savior. We anchor our discussions on the book "The Bible in the Light of Our Redemption" by E W Kenyon, providing you with a guide to uncover the radiant path towards righteousness. Can the Bible provide answers to your existential dilemmas? Listen in to learn how interpreting the Bible in the context of our redemption can be a compass guiding us through life’s darkest corners. Prepare to be inspired, enlightened, and emboldened in your faith journey. Tune in now!

"He has shown you, O Man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?" (Micah 6:8)